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Rpg Maker XP 1.2A with Keygen
Applications > Windows
29.67 MB

+8 / -2 (+6)

Nov 19, 2006


This is RPG Maker XP 1.2A, open up the keygen and use it to change from a trial to a full version.

Introducing RPG MAKER? XP, the latest Windows entry in the RPG MAKER series that gives you the power to create your own original role-playing games. Its popular and highly user-friendly editor interface has been carried over from RPG MAKER 2000, and its graphic capabilities, battle screen layout, and data packaging features are better than ever. By popular demand, this latest installment also boasts a brand-new Scripting function. RPG MAKER XP is bound to satisfy beginners and experts alike.

Minimum System Requirements
Microsoft® Windows® 98/98SE/Me/XP/2000
PC with 800MHz Intel® Pentium® III equivalent or higher processor
At least 128 MB of system RAM
1024x768 or better video resolution in High Color mode
DirectSound-compatible sound card
At least 100 MB of available hard disk space

For more information on it and a video of it visit:

The keygen does work, I\'ve used it. If you like this program, doesn\'t hesitate to purchase it ;)


Sorry if I sound stupid, but what is an activation URL?
Seeda plz!!! 99.8!!!
Did not work for me at all DeeZul >.
Jippe,Jag tackar Dig.Letade i timmar efter en Keygen

Woho,I'm Tanking you.Serched Hours after keygen.

Sory if bad Englis i'm a swedis 7 ear old boy
Pls seed, im downloading like 2-5kb/s!!

And could someone pls give a cd-key in a comment, im not so sure with keygens, lots of viruses in them.

Thanks in forward to cd-key giver/seeder!
Ok this is simple for all walkthrough:
1. Install rtp and rmxp
2. run rmxp
3. run keygen (novirus scanned with 7 different antiviruses. No malicious code either I downloaded this and took it apart before running it squeeky clean all!!!)
4. at the screen where you have the three options click "Already Paid"
5. ignore activation thing for now and click enter serial and copy the serial in the keygen to it.
6. click "Web" then click "print URL" highlight the web address given and press ctrl+c
7. click over to the keygen and paste it into the second field by pressing ctrl+v
8. click generate and copy the activation number and click close on the url and click ok on the serial window and paste the activation number into the activation field and click ok
9. Congradulations window appears click ok and enjoy!
NOTE:This version calls home to reactivate every 45 days so you need to save the keygen!!!!!!
Thanks it works good for me now.
works nicely! Thanks. Great walkthrough issadle! :)
THX This ia a great program and i have been looking for a ckeygen for some time now THX again.
Hi if someone sitting on a MMORPG or someone else game maker pls PM me and give me the links thanks u =)
I can not get it to work, everytime I click download torrent then open it, it brings up a blank internet browser then closes and brings up the save or open command box again, over and over no matter how many times I try. What is going on, can you please tell me, thanks.
I can´t install it :S it says: Could not open key: UNKNOWN\RGSS.Archive\shell\open\command. Verify that you have the sufficient access to that key, or contact your support personnel
hey darkalliance u got a BitTorent software (ex. Bitcomet, Azureus, Bitlord)? becous u need one if u got one then i don't know whats wrong
I stumbled onto Heaven here! Thank you!
well in heaven the price of this wuldn't be your soul Shadowkhaji so if somehting this is more like hell (not that i belive in heaven and hell becous i don't belive in it)
Can you post activation code or seed this alot pls?
me and my friend has this RPG maker as school project(dno on spelling) and will have it on buyld up for 1 year... add my msn for moore info on game progress and get trials for the game
Alltså när jag trycker på SetupMenu så står det

"Det gick inte att komma åt den angivna enheten sökvägen eller filen.
du har kanske inte rätt behörighet för att komma åt objektet"

Och när jag går in i varje mapp och ska starta Varje Installations program för sig står det

"Installationspaketet kunde inte öppnas. bekräfta att paketet finns
och att du kan komma åt det, eller kontakta programvaruförsäljaren
för att bekräfta att det är ett giltigt paket för windows Installer."

Det skumma är att jag kunde installer det på en annan dator utan problem, men på den här fuckar det sig totalt! Vad är fel?
When I try to start the game after installing it, before getting any box about "Already Paid" etc, all I get is "Failed to obtain a trial serial number from the nTitles server." What am I doing wrong? :O
Nvm, all I had to do what run it as administrator in Vista, I suck etc.
Whenever I try to get an activation url, it says "information entered is invalid". Doesn't work for me.
It's not working for me. Every time I put the serial number in, click Web, it takes me to the website and it says:

"One or both of the entries are invalid. Please make sure you have typed them correctly. Contact your distributor if the problem persists."

Could I be doing something wrong here?

Thanks for any help!
OMGZ! it worked, wow. i, a retarded fat kid can do thsi, but all these fags cant, lolz. i feel good to day.
Hello all,i have small problem.Please,i have downloaded this torrent.But i dont know how open it :)
My WinZip want open it:D i maybe dont have program for opening this torrent or i dont know.I need know how to open it.Please can somebody help me there,in comments or on mail? my mail is .
Thanks and have good day-ehm good torrent:D
OK people,who need help,
First you need program etorrent.You can download Czech version here:
Second,download torrent on this page.
Third,install torrent downloader.
Fourth,run this RPGMAKER torrent with torrent downloader.
Download 20Megabite rpg maker with torrent keygen.
Install this rpg maker
Run this rpg maker
Run this rpg maker keygen
Click generate...Write generated key in torrent keygen
Click "web"
It will show you you did somethink wrong.
Now you need to copy URL adress of this website to torrent keygen.
Click generate in torrent keygen.
bye all and have good day-ehm,good torrent:D
THank you!!!
It took me a bit to do it right, but I got it.
First thing I said when it said "thank you for your purchase" was a loud WOOOO!
It woke my mom up.
Good Stuff and works well. I will keep torrenting for a few days. ^^
hey i cant get my thing to work i open rpgmaker xp and it sayes that it cant get the serial from the ntitles server can anyone help me with this???
Also when i right click no option for run as administrator comes up
Lol, in response to lekiller, I am having problems with step 4 because the download will not begin no matter how i try...

It is constantly stuck at 0.0% and will not download and yes i do have a destination for it...
thanks lekiller, those instructions worked perfectly!
im ussing it now and its works
tnx very mch

can anyone upload Rpg maker 3 the 3d one im having a hard time finding it.... lol
I got a Probleme Here...
Every Time I run RPG maker it say:
"Failed to obtain a trial serial number from the nTitles server."

Anyone can help me ?

p.s.: i'm on vista....crap
Can this program actually make RPG's like guild wars and world of warcraft lol?
Espionage: It's called RPG maker. What do you think?
Maan i love this =D i will keep seeding a cupple of days =D
Works like a charm! Will be seeding for a while, thanks! =3

I try and I try, but it wont work..
Where do you find that "web-thing" ?
Could someone not just write that URL code down here ?
I would be very glad if someone could help me..
hYE THIS REALY WORKED THANKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
just need keygen.. is it here too?
can i open with winRAR too?
thanks for a real good torrent!
I love u guys!

uuh... maybe not.. i am not gay!
awesome, thank you.
Can someone seed please?
It's A Winrar File that's why it Winzip won't open it
OMG I tried it and it worked. The feeling I got from it was so awesome, i made an account and logged in just to say how awesome you guys are. THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ive used it for 6months or so now... works perfect!
Awesome! :D Thanks!
RPGmXP installs fine, the keygen doesn't work though.
Can someone tell me how to get the keygen thingy to work?? :P
hmm... You want to know how to use it? OK Ill tell you

1 Instal the program
2 Start Keygen
3 When start program in Activation Key Screen press Generate
4 There you must paste or write(maybe write is more comfortable) RNR1I-OT4CE-PR342-MDIXX
5 Click Web => The Leftest Buton
6 When you are in URL copy it and paste it into Keygen (Activation URL)
7 Press Generate
8 Copy and paste Activation Key

Make RPG Games and Enjoy
This torrent was awesome :D
Fully working :D
No Crash's!
I thank you bnosam!
PS:the Instructions are a little vague,but then again Once you get it,it just hits you and you feel stupid...
can someone plz help i want this so bad i need step by step instructions i feel like a tard but plz help
Run: SetupMenu

Install: RGSS-RTP Standard
Install: RPG Maker XP

Run: rmxpkegen
Run: RPG Maker XP

Click: Already Paid
Click: Generate

Enter: Serial Number (from keygen)

Click: Web
Click: Print URL

Copy and Paste into "Activation URL" in the keygen

Click Generate in the keygen

In RPG Maker,
Click cancel
Click cancel
Click cancel

Paste Activation Code from Keygen

Press Okay.
the activation code
it doesnt work for me ...
RKDS i had the same problem. try go into your program files, right-click the .exe adn open it as administrator if it works then you can just follow milsorgen's instruction frm there
Yes, follow the instructions and you will be able to activate the product no problem. If you get a message telling you that you've entered an incorrect code, you probably typed a character wrong in the serial number. I did this my first time and it messed the whole thing up.
Can someone please help me? After installing and trying to run RMXP, I get the following error, "Failed to obtain a trial serial number from the nTitles server." I am using Windows XP. And Yes, I have tried to run it as adminstrator, and still not working. My internet is fine. Can someone please help....I've been trying to run this stupid program for past 2 days now and nothing is working!!! I want to pull my hair out!
WTF! i downloaded and activated. now when i opened a new project ther are no tiles!!
This torrent, I have to say, is one of the best I've ever downloaded. So easy and fast!

I totally just registered to Pirate Bay so I could praise this download.
Thank you so much!!!!!!

(And shit, I'm a noob at crap like this, and I could even do it! ^^)
Somewhat odd situation.

I, like lots of others, am getting the "Failed to obtain number" thing. HOWEVER, the computer I installed it on (not this one) is not currently connected to the internet.

Now for the actual question, *prepares to be stoned to death* do you actually have to be -on- the net to activate the game?
@t3hc411 According to this site They said, "Q: If I don't have an internet connection, can I use RPG Maker XP?

A: No. You can't use it." As for the "Failed to obtain a trial serial number..." error, I am in the same boat as you. It just doesn't make sense to me even when I'm online and nothing is obstructing its ability to connect to the net...
I cannot get any keygens to work. Help?
After you install the program, the first time you open it you have to be connected to the internet or else it will say "Failed to obtain a trial serial number from the nTitles server."
Works well, and easy to set up.

Loving it, download now!
thnx for seeding it i cant wait to test it
Follow milsorgen's instructions on how to install the program (one of the first few comments posted). For those of you who are trying to run this on Vista and are getting the "Failed to obtain number..." message, here's how to get around it:

1. Go to your root RMXP directory. (Usually CProgram Files\Enterbrain\RPGXP)

2. Right click RPGXP.exe and choose "Properties".

3. In the "Properties" popup, go to the "Compatibility" tab.

4. Check the box that says "Run this program in compatibility mode for:" and select "Windows XP (Service Pack 2)"

5. Check the box that says "Run this program as an administrator".

6. If you cannoth check the box mentioned in step 5, follow steps 7 through 11.

7. Click on the button that says "Show settings for all users".

8. Click the "OK" button on the "Windows needs your permission to continue" button, after inputting the password of the specified administrator if necessary.

9. Check the box that says "Run this program in compatibility mode for:" and select "Windows XP (Service Pack 2)"

10. Check the box that says "Run this program as an administrator".

11. Click the "OK" button.

12. Click the "OK" button.

13. Right click PSIKey.dll and choose "Properties".

14. In the "Properties" popup, go to the "Security" tab.

15. Click on the "Advanced" button.

16. Highlight the permission entry that says "Users ([your computer's name]\Users)" where [your computer's name] is whatever you named your computer. (Mine is Media-PC)

17. Click the "Edit..." button.

18. Highlight the group "Users ([your computer's name]\Users)".

19. In the popup that appears (It should be named "Permission Entry for PSIKey.dll"), check the "Allow" box for the option "Full Control".

20. All of the "Allow" boxes below the box you just checked should now be checked as well.

21. Click the "OK" Button.

22. Check the box that says "Include inheritable permissios from this object's parents".

23. Click the "OK" button.

24. Click the "OK" Button.

25. Click the "OK" Button.

26. Run RPG Maker Xp, and you should no longer get the error message!

27. If you still get the error message, log into the administrative account on the computer and then run RPG Maker XP. It should work no matter what on that account, after you have successfully completed the above steps.

Anyways, great torrent. Thanks!
I had the "Failed to obtain a trial serial number from the nTitles server." problem to. and it was my firewall that was blocking the connection to the nTitles server.
So for all of you that have that same problem, check your firewall it might be it.
>Tutorial For Vista Users
yeah it worked just fine for me, at first it wouldnt so i just reinstalled everything and it worked. thx should have fun with this :)
awesome i liked [:
good! thx
This is awesome, thankyou so much!

To anyone else getting this, read the first page of comments for a walkthrough for installation.
i have maked a game now for 2 years. anyone know who i can show it to?
I think this is a great program :D

I have install both install things :)
But when i trying to open rmxp it says:
Failed to obtain a trial serial number from the nTitles server
Ok, this thing is full of a whole bunch of installers and I'm not sure what they're for, but the RPG Maker seems to be working so... thanks. But thing is confusing and full of crap I don't need. Someone should re-upload this with only the stuff you need.
The key gen doesn't work. I tried about ten of them, and I always got:

One or both of the entries are invalid. Please make sure you have typed them correctly. Contact your distributor if the problem persists.

o___O; Any way to fix this?
I love this, I really do. But there's a missing option under tools. I'm looking for the Resource Manager that should be under tools but it's not there and it's apparent no one else if having that issue. I was wondering if you could tell me what to do.
nice torrent, nice speed, 600kb/s most of the time.
ahh thanks! nce speed thought >:'D
I tried to make this work, but I dont now what I'm doing wrong. Is it because I have Vista?
Hello. I start up my RPG maker xp. I got it registered and all. Then i create new. Then all my tiles are blank. No matter if i create a new map. (Yes i used RPG maker xp before) The tiles are just blank. Help me out?
DONT DL THIS TRUST ME!!! TROJAN! and also I had to do a system restore!!!
My keygen isnt working can some 1 post 1 up? plz i realy need it. Thx
Yoshima69, there is no trojan, you are full of shit.

Also, the keygen has worked fine for me twice before (2 different computers) so if it doesn't work for anyone make sure you are following the instructions correctly.
PROTIP: The file rmxpkegen does not exist withing this archive. Perhaps you should try uploading the keygen with the program next time, eh?
I don´t even get those three options when i start my RPG maker XP all it says is:

Failed to obtain a trail serial number from the nTitles server.

and i don´t know how to get it to work properly... please help me!!!
yo people, i had dat problem too with the keygen keeps saying "One or both of the entries are invalid. Please make sure you have typed them correctly. Contact your distributor if the problem persists.". what i did was just copy the url of that page, at the address at da top den paste it into the keygen Actiation URL or wateva den generated the code. n it works yo lol try it

1- Open RpgMaker XP
2- Select "Already Paid"
3- Select "Generate"
4- Open Keygen
5- Copy Keygen "Serial Number"
6- Paste That In RPG Maker Serial Number Box
7- Select "Web"
8- Select "Generate"
9- New Page Opens With Error
10- Ignore Error, Copy Address URL At The Top
11- Paste Address URL in Keygen URL Box
12- Select "Generate"
13- Copy The Generated Code From Keygen
14- Select "Enter Activation Code" On RPGMaker
15- Paste Keygen Generated Code
16- Select "OK"
17- Should Say "Thank You For Purchasing"
18- DONE lol, Hope dis Helps Yo

Oh and The Serial Number On The Keygen:

the O = O's not Zeros lol looks like zeros tho.
gyeah well laters
it works. thx for the step by step intructions lol xD
to viktor9103:

the way to get rid of it is to go into the program file, right click on rpgmakerxp.exe, properties, under compatibilites select: compatible for xp service pack 2 and run as administrator. then youll be good to go.
i just got this for my birthday...then i found this
Works great. thnks for the steps for the keygen cause i didnt quite get it.. but once again works great.
Most antivirus or antimalware think keygens are trojans. Mines said there one but i didnt have a problem. i didnt need a system restore. besides if your afriad of a little trojan than dont dl. =P
happy to see so many ppl interested in this. a greate website to show off your work and view the work of others is :
others i cant recall atm google it

let me give u some advice as well, RPG maker X is better the RPG maker VX. the only difference is VX is simplified, X has all the same features and more, they just made it cuz vista came out.
Awesome, thanks for the upload!
Amazin! Works if you follow these directions, step-by-step:

1. Install rtp and rmxp
2. run rmxp
3. run keygen (novirus scanned with 7 different antiviruses. No malicious code either I downloaded this and took it apart before running it squeeky clean all!!!)
4. at the screen where you have the three options click "Already Paid"
5. ignore activation thing for now and click enter serial and copy the serial in the keygen to it.
6. click "Web" then click "print URL" highlight the web address given and press ctrl+c
7. click over to the keygen and paste it into the second field by pressing ctrl+v
8. click generate and copy the activation number and click close on the url and click ok on the serial window and paste the activation number into the activation field and click ok
9. Congradulations window appears click ok and enjoy!
NOTE:This version calls home to reactivate every 45 days so you need to save the keygen!!!!!!

*Not my directions*
What's the activation code????? I've done everything right. I NEED HELP!!!
This is a virus, a worm to be exact:

Boot Cleaner

[~] Cleaning started at 2010-02-03 17:10
[~] Preparing to execute queued commands
[~] Deleting file: C:\RECYCLER\S-1-5-21-0837162537-3664803098-335478194-2883\yv8g67.exe
[~] Finished processing queued commands

Scanned with Ad-aware and Avast
the stupid text how can i kill it D=
What Ze Fuck each time i try to generate it say Keygen stop working why?
OMFGG ty casinovaz you r AWESOME^^
bit coplicated but nice work!

(ps. at the end i brought it to work)
when u use win 7 it show you a messege "Failed to obtain a trail serial number from the nTitles server"
you have to right klick on it and klick on
"handle software compatibility problem"
test and save then it works
When I installed this, I just tells me "RPG Maker XP has stopped working" Even before the program loads up...What gives....Also, it doesn't give me the "Run as admin" option or even allow me to change the compatibility either..
hey im using windows 7 and it comes up with
"failed to obtain serial number from the nTitles server"
what does that mean ? and how do i sort it out?
thank you and may you have a bacon sammich
If on windows 7 and you received "failed to obtain serial number from the nTitles server" :
1.exit and make a shortcut on the desktop (if it's not already there)
2. right click and choose "troubleshoot compatibility"
3. follow the instructions on there
windows 7 is evil but I'm glad it's not vista.

Thanks a lot for the upload, working great so far!
Kwelllll, call me stupid or w/e but this is what I'm doing, and correct me for wtf I'm doing wrong PLZZZ!

I open the folder "RPG Maker XP"
the following contents show:
Folder "Setup1"
Folder "Setup2"
thing tht says "rmxpkegen"
& another that says "SetupMenu"

I clicked "SetupMenu" & installed both of those things. & click "Exit Setup Menu"

Now after that, there is abs NOTHING that says
"Run" anything.
& when I go to pull up the "rmxpkegen" it shows a box with three text-able things.
the first says "Serial Number:"
and underneath is the box (that cannot be edited) with the following "AKE84-WAUFB-Z84AD-OMMJK"

The next two boxes have over them "Activation URL:" then a blank (able to be typed in) textbox,
next a thing tht says "Activation Code:" then another blank (able to be typed in) textbox.

then 2 buttons.
"Generate" and then "Exit"

nothing generates if i press that, it says "You must enter Activation URL!"

but idk where to find that. especially since there is nothing to run.

Within the folder "Setup1" are the following:
"Setup" (Notepad doc that reads: "[MSILoader] MSIFileName=RTP_Standard_102.msi")

Inside of "Setup2" folder are the following:
"Setup"(Notepad doc that reads: "[MSILoader] MSIFileName=RTP_Standard_102a.msi")

Pleasee just tell me what i have to DO!
Guys this is the guide k? Hope this helps!
1. Install Setup 1
2. Install Setup 2 in the same directory of Setup1
3. Open the program
4. Click the Already Paid or whatever icon to verify registration.
5. Look for the button which leads you to a 3 step activation code process
6. Enter generated serial number
7. Click Web then print URL
8. Copy URL to the generator area
9. Press generate, copy the activation code to the registration.
10. Press okay the enjoy!
-Another great tutorial by TheMightyHutch-
Ok, everybody who can't connect to Ntitles using XP (havent tried this for vista)...

Open notepad and save as preotexis.reg
Copy and paste :
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


Make sure you dont leave empty lines in front of or after this. Should start with Windows and end with 29.
Save again. When prompted click yes. (if you leave blank lines at the top of the page, it will not work.)

This should take care of the problem for you.
If you need to know how to bypass the Ntitles server, email me.
So what do I do if there is no "Already Paid" button?
The only choices that shows up are "Buy Now", "Activate", "Continue" and "Exit". "Buy Now" only redirects me to Enterbrain's official website, "Continue" doesn't work(because I've used my trial period), "Exit" does just what you would expect it to do, and "Activate" opens a new window where it asks me to insert the Product Key, along with my email and name. There is no "Generate" button or anything like that. plz halp
You are a wonderful person for this. Please marry me.
hey dude i just got this account but ive used this torrent multiple times and its great to have a keygen that doesnt give me a virus
I've followed a lot of things that have been said here.
I try to run the program RPG Maker XP. Nothing happens. Doesn't bring up anything whatsoever. I've uninstalled and reinstalled multiple times.
Any solutions?
thanks skylarkwings, and themightyhutch! worked like a charm.